Monday, December 17, 2007

The Humungous! The Lord Humungous! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!

The humungous is my nemesis. The humungous crowds my mind, keeping me up at night with the sound of roaring engines and gunfire. Day and night he hounds me, circling my little camp, shouting at me. Come out. He says. Come out. No sleep, no rest until you come out and face me. The Humungous is my book. And he wants me to write him.

I created this blog as a journal of the creative process of writing my book. It's a fantasy novel, and while I've completed one draft, I have since thrown it out, because I feel like its utter shit. So, I'm starting over, and will do my best to document the process here. I'm probably not be going to post too many specifics about plot and setting, etc., this is more of a way to track progress and muse about things that come up during the process of writing. Enjoy!


pepperhem said...

i thought you were up all night playing video games?

Richard Douek said...


IsaChandra said...

I thought the humungous was your penis?

Richard Douek said...

what do you think the book is about?